#72 CyoT & The EMPs

In about a week "Create your own Tarot" (CyoT) rings the bell for round 4, opening July 15th and closing 1st of August.

My motto for the THE EMPs
"We shall conquer the worlds."
For the time of the event, there are 4 exclusive sets available.

As transfer only go:
If you are more the copy item person, you'll like to hear that set 4 offers just that:

The *** Collectible Tarot Cards *** are designed by the artist Jewel Appletor following the Major Arcana cards each month. Visit her site to find more wonderful pictures she has created.

Am looking always for new items & outfits to work with.
If you like the style of the pictures above and want to help out,
of course even one-time support is much appreciated.
Each card has it's single credit page and a style/item NC goes into the pose pack, too.
Important: Decor should be modify and low in prim!

Pictures: Empress & Emperor by Jewel Appletor, other cards and backsite design by Roquai
Models: Jewel Appletor & Joanna C.
Items/Cloths: on featured single previews
Release: CyoT as exclusive Sets in July 15th 2015 - Sets as introduced are available only for a limited time!