#73 Safe Attalus

I thought this year would be all about the goat, but nope, I must have missed something. As we look around the eye catches fishy releases everywhere. Long it was hard to find good decor and fancy tails for the underwater worlds, but things begin to change. As we know some designers have already introduced their visions, realistic or fantasy like and in about 2 weeks, when Enchantment opens it's gates, we may expect even more by some of the greatest old and new creators of SL. You prolly can tell, am truly excited! Till then, we shall practice our patience and have a sneak into some of the old and latest releases and perhaps, if we look closely enough, we might even get a hint of what the design techs are up to as they do their homework on The little Mermaid :o)

For "Safe Attalus" (pic below), Joanna put on her merrow tail, took some friends along and swam to the rezfriendly beachy isle at Lands End, where you'll find all kind of depths and shapes to get your perfect little water scene set up. Recently Duchess & Sorchiee drew my attention to some wonderful mesh kelps, I can only recommend as being low in prim and coming in different sets for a really fair price. Then Deth row Designs (-DRD-) just released a great new photoscene about the romans for Secret Affair with extra accessories to wear or rez. Jo's companions came swimming by the pixel lab known as 22769 ~ [bauwerk] a couple weeks ago (june) at The Fantasy Collective. Pretty cool stuff so far, don't you think ;o)
ROQUAI for The little Mermaid - Enchantment (pv)

The outfit was kinda the hardest. For the certain feel of the pose, I ended up with a partly modded combination of tails by JOMO, Vita's Boudior and Evie's. The hair as well is a mix-match of two. For the decent "bling", my choice: medieval and tropical.

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Floating Fish & Botanical Kelp Forest Set

Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara 3.3
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.1 - Bag (Hand Pack 3)

Damselfly - Maelle Rigged
^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Lucy Wet Hair
MIASNOW Skin - WALKER Ambrosia (Eye Makeup)
Evie's Closet (*EC*) Lumina Mermaid - Face Tattoo Side Ridges 

JOMO Female mermaid tail - color modded
Vita's Boudoir - Sea Dragon Mermaid - color modded attachments
Wicca's Wardrobe - Spring Ivy Accessories
*EC* Lumina Mermaid - Hip Fan

*LODE* Head Accessory - Ann Lily Duo [plum]
-DRD- medieval bracer
Celtic Myst - Druidic Nature Necklace (Gift for fem. & male)

Pose & Picture by ROQUAI
- edited watersurface, else as shot -