I Am Different Pulses

. I Am Different Pulses .
- feat. Zibska, Moon Elixir & [keke] -
 flickr view
ROQUAI star 1 @ IW & MP

Kelly ([keke]) is back from the Arcade break and opens up with a great collection of modern statues. Their kurves and surface are very well made. No peaks to be found. The figures come in black and white, are all low in Li and the permissions let you easily resize them to ones needs. The "abandoned art" is to be found at Lost & Found's round in June.

Also Moon Elixir is back! The girls already had a few bitter sweet releases within the SM style and seem to have found pleasure within. "Houdini" is continuing the fetish line as it comes in varnish / latex and multiple parts to get wild with. The outfit works with the Hourglass and Maitreya bodies.
Your TP to the TFC would be below in the links ;o)

The "face" (makeup) has been provided by Zibska. She created a new set of earthy soft eyeshadows, the "Shazi" and an equally beautiful shaded lip applier, the "Sing Lipbalm". The effects that you can reach within the head's HUD are just wonderful. Jo wears same appliers with the Lelutka on the pictures, but different colors and strengths of the gloss effects so as transparency. Check them out yourself as you hop over to the Shiny Shabby.

Different Pulses

Zibska ~ Shazi (eyeshadow) & Sing Lipbalm @ TSS
Moon Elixir - Houdini (outfit) @ TFC

[ keke ] abandoned art @ L&F

The Shiny Shabby 2016/6/20th - 7/15th
The Fantasy Collective 2016/6/22nd - 7/15th
Lost & Found 2016/6/22nd - 7/1st
